Category: Integrating Technology

Blackboard Testing Tips for Finals Week

Grades Here are some end-of-semester themed tutorials to assist you in wrapping up this Fall 2017 semester: Submitting Grades to myBama from Blackboard Non-Attendance Grading in myBama How to Download a Copy of the Grade Center from Blackboard Testing The FRC has also prepared some Testing Tips for instructors and students who will be using Blackboard for exams: for Instructors for Students Backing Up A Course To back up your current (or past) Blackboard courses, consult the FRC’s LMS Course Retention Policy […]

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Roll Data! Teaching with Datasets

by Vincent F. Scalfani, University Libraries You may be aware of the rich information resources that UA Libraries provides to the campus community. For example, UA Libraries provides access to over 3 million print volumes, 1.5 million electronic books, and 200,000 electronic journals. These resources are easily discoverable from our Scout database and our E-Journals webpage. Another lesser-known resource that UA Libraries provides access to is datasets [1]. Incorporating datasets into the classroom can greatly enrich the experience of students, […]

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Who is Allowed to Do That? DUO at UA

DUO lock

by Dean Townsley, Department of Physics and Astronomy Passwords are often the basis for authentication. Who is allowed to set the grades of the students in a course? The instructor. Well, at least anyone who knows the instructor’s password. The difference between those two is the essence of authentication and highlights the importance of DUO, the two-factor authentication infrastructure UA is rolling out now. Multi-factor authentication is a method in which evidence from more than one category (in the case of […]

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Video Content: What’s on the Menu at UA?

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) If you’re searching for video streaming services, Gorgas Library offers a range of video collections you can use in your courses, and most of them allow you to embed clips directly in Blackboard. There are even options for creating video clips and playlists if you need more control. Criterion Collection Criterion Collection offers a variety of historical films, with the ability to create clips, insert bookmarks, and embed them in a website […]

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Tech Toolbox: Polling, Collaboration, and More

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) This list includes the digital tools available at The University of Alabama, plus a few free or low-cost options from around the web. Annotation is a free annotation tool that allows you to comment on any blog, website, article, or document. You simply create an account and install the Chrome add-on (or another browser bookmark), and you’re ready to annotate. You can create private groups for your classes and have them annotate […]

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A Taste of the Tide: Digital Humanities + Experiential Learning

internal page on Taste of the Tide blog featuring different recipes

by Lauren Cardon, Department of English Incorporating a digital humanities (DH) assignment and emphasizing experiential learning are two of the best ways to implement active learning techniques in the classroom. Fortunately, UA provides an excellent range of pedagogical resources on campus like the Alabama Digital Humanities Center (ADHC), Learning in Action (LIA), and the Active Learning Initiative (ALI). Faculty and staff within these programs offer workshops to promote their initiatives among different departments; however, several of them (Emma Wilson, Tyler […]

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