Category: Accessibility Guide

“Inclusive College Classrooms: Teaching Methods for Diverse Learners” offers 200 examples for your classrooms

Book cover of Inclusive College Classrooms: Teaching Methods for Diverse Learners.

UA English professor Lauren Cardon published a book co-authored with Dr. Anne-Marie Womack of Rice University. It will be published on on December 27, 2022. Here is what Dr. Cardon has to say about it: Our book emerged from a series of conversations Anne-Marie and I have had over the years about teaching––what has worked for us, what we wish we had known when we started teaching, and perhaps most importantly, how we have worked to make our teaching more […]

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Creating Accessible Online Courses

Cat looking up

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) This post answers some of the most frequently asked questions about online course accessibility. To learn more about the accessibility of specific instructional technologies, visit or consult the official documentation for that technology. What does making a course accessible actually mean? Accessibility means all students can access and use your course from the beginning, including those with visual, auditory, cognitive and physical impairments. More specifically, it means your course follows the […]

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How to Write Alt Text

computer keyboard

Alternative text, or alt text, is the descriptive word or phrase read by screen readers in the place of an image, allowing its content and function to be conveyed to those with visual impairments. It also replaces an image when a browser doesn’t load, and it can help search engines identify an image’s content. In other words, alt text makes images accessible across devices and abilities. When it comes to writing good alt text, context is everything. In certain cases, you […]

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How to Write Meaningful Link Text

Screen readers can be used to skim a document or website by reading a list of linked text. Links should, therefore, be descriptive enough to make sense out of context. Here’s how that works: Avoid ambiguous phrases Try to avoid ambiguous phrases that won’t make much sense in a general list. These include, but aren’t limited to, phrases like Click here Here Read more Info Tell readers what to expect Ideally, link text should use enough descriptive keywords to convey the purpose of […]

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How to Format a Heading

laptop under colored lights

According to WebAIM’s screen reader survey, most screen reader users prefer to navigate web pages and documents by headings, meaning it’s important to style them correctly. Although bolded, all-caps text can mimic a heading, it doesn’t include the markup necessary for screen readers to recognize it as such. The same is true for colored and italicized text. Headings should instead follow a logical semantic structure as if you’re constructing an outline: <H1> Main heading – usually reserved for page titles […]

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How to Handle Maps, Charts, and Weird Characters

Because much of the content in STEM disciplines is conveyed via complex visuals — charts, handwritten equations, maps, etc. — making those materials accessible may seem like an impossible feat. However, with a little creativity, we can still offer students an equivalent experience using resources already available at UA. Rachel Thompson, director of emerging technology and accessibility, explains: Our accessibility initiative is currently focused on content that is on public websites or is accessed by all UA students. Content like […]

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