Category: Last Week’s Teaching

Last Week’s Teaching in 2020 – Episode 7

a tower viewer over the ocean

UA faculty describe their experiences teaching during the 2020-2021 academic year. Share your ideas and experiences here, and your entry could be featured in the next episode. Anonymous Surveys to Make Adjustments for Spring 2021 “Listen to students” is part of my teaching philosophy. I’ve used Blackboard’s “survey” tool since 2015 for pre-term, mid-term, and post-term surveys. I now realize that I should have added some questions this fall. The shift to hybrid and/or remote teaching was an opportunity for me […]

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Last Week’s Teaching in 2020 – Episode 6

professor's home office teaching amid their children

Faculty and staff are being asked to do so much in Fall 2020, but the circumstances of the doing aren’t visible. That is just as true for students this fall. We can pause to think of our colleagues and our students — the ones who’ve excelled despite everything, the ones who seem like they’re holding it together but are really struggling, the procrastinators who’ve been caught flat-footed, and the ones who are just so overwhelmed by all of it. The […]

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