Faculty Publications

This page features publications by A&S faculty on the scholarship of teaching and learning. To list your publications on this page, please contact us or complete our publication form.

Active Learning

  • Adrian, Lynne. “Active Learning: Can Small Interventions Produce Results Greater than Statistically Predictable in Large Lecture Classes?” Journal of General Education 59.4 (2011): 223-237.



  • Cardon, Lauren S. “Global Foodways: Digital Humanities and Experiential Learning.” Quick Hits: Teaching with Digital Humanities. Eds. Christopher Young and Emma Wilson. University of Indiana Press, 2020.
  • Crane, C., & Sosulski, M. J. (2021). Identifying and evaluating transformative learning in language learning. In B. L. Leaver, D. E. Davidson, & C. Campbell (Eds.). Transformative language learning and teaching (pp. 217-226). NY: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108870788
  • Crane, C. (2020). Transforming our perspectives as language professionals during COVID-19. Second Language Research & Practice, 1(1), 168–173. doi: 10125/69851
  • Crane, C., & Sosulski, M. J. (2020). Staging transformative learning across collegiate language curricula: Student perceptions of structured reflection for language learning. Foreign Language Annals, 53(1), 69-95. https://doi.org/10.1111/flan.12437
  • Crane, C., Fingerhuth, M., & Huenlich, D. (2018). ‘What makes this so complicated?’ On the value of disorienting dilemmas in language instruction. In S. Dubreil & S. L. Thorne (Eds.). Engaging the world: Social pedagogies and language learning (pp. 227-252). Boston, MA: Heinle. doi: 10125/69772
  • Crane, C. (2018). Making connections in beginning language instruction through structured reflection and the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages. In P. Urlaub & J. Watzinger-Tharp (Eds.). The interconnected language curriculum: Critical transitions and interfaces in articulated K-16 contexts (pp. 51–74). Boston, MA: Heinle. doi: 10125/69756
  • Drewelow, I. (2020). A positive psychology perspective on designing a technology-mediated learning experience: Engagement and personal development. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 2(1), 90-115.
  • Drewelow, I. (2017). A socio-constructivist approach to developing intercultural empathy. In S. Dubreuil & S. L. Thorne (Eds.), Engaging the world:Social pedagogies and language learning (pp. 255-265). Boston, MA: Cengage.
  • Drewelow, I., & Mitchell, C. (2015). An exploration of learners’ conceptions of language, culture, and learning in advanced-level Spanish courses. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 28(3), 243-256.
  • Drewelow, Isabelle. (2015). Liberté et République: Using familiar constructs to cultivate learners’ awareness of diverse perspectives. The Language Educator, 10(3), 48-50.
  • Drewelow, Isabelle. (2015). Developing cross-cultural awareness at the introductory level through stereotypes and digital storytelling. The French Review, 88(3), 71-90.
  • Drewelow, I. & Finney, S. (2020). Developing intercultural empathy through a strategy-based simulation in intermediate Spanish. The Language Learning Journal, 48(6), 754-767.
  • Drewelow, I. & Granja Ibarreche, X. (2021). Developing students’ solidarity disposition: A case for translation in Community-Based Service Learning. Foreign Language Annals, 54(3), 800-822.
  • Drewelow, Isabelle. (2011). American learners of French and their stereotypes of the French language and people: A survey and its implications for teaching. The French Review, 84(4), 748-762.
  • Drewelow, I., Koronkiewicz, B., & Range, R. (2019). Rethinking and shifting discourses and practices of “testing”: From accuracy to engagement with situated contexts. In B. Depuy & K. Michelson (Eds.), Pathways to paradigm change: Critical examinations of prevailing discourses and ideologies in second language education (pp. 53-82). Cengage.
  • Hubbs, Jolene. “Chick Lit and Southern Studies.” Teaching Tainted Lit: Popular American Fiction in Today’s Classroom. Ed. Janet G. Casey. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2015. 91-103.
  • Issa, B., Koronkiewicz, B., & Faretta-Stutenberg, M. (2022). Second-language writing in university-level basic language programs: A survey of student and instructor beliefs. Foreign Language Annals 55(2), 383-407. https://doi.org/10.1111/flan.12609
  • Lightfoot, Douglas. (2016). “Aspects of Authentic Spoken German: Awareness and Recognition of Elision in the German Classroom.” Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German. 49 (1), 24-34.
  • Lightfoot, Douglas. “Language Change and Foreign Language Teaching.” The NECTFL Review 58 (2006): 37-49.
  • Lightfoot, Douglas. “Language History for Teaching and Learning German.” Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German 40.1 (2007): 34–45.
  • Loewen, Nathan. “La Pédagogie interculturelle: favoriser l’internationalisation dans le cadre d’une pédagogie de la tolérance positive [Intercultural Pedagogy: Establishing Internationalization within a Pedagogy of Positive Tolerance].” Pédagogie Collègiale 26.3 (Spring 2013): 26-31.
  • Loewen, Nathan. “Teaching an Introduction to the Global Philosophy of Religion.” Teaching Theology and Religion 17.2 (2014): 112-121.
  • Loewen, Nathan. “Teaching by Production Rather Than Products.” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion. (2016) 1-9.
  • Loewen, Nathan. “The Religious Dimension in Development Studies.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion 40.1 (2011): 44-51.
  • McCutcheon, R. T., Hollander, A. T., Durdin, A. F., Gardner, K. A., Miller, A. T. and Crews, E. D. “Forum: Crafting the Introductory Course in Religious Studies.” Teaching Theology & Religion 19 (2015): 78–98.
  • Newton, Richard. “Teaching in the Ideological State of Religious Studies: Notes Towards a Pedagogical Future,” Constructing “Data” in Religious Studies: Examining the Architecture of the Academy, ed. Leslie Dorrough Smith (Equinox, forthcoming).
  • Pionke, Albert D. Teaching Later British Literature: A Thematic Approach. New York, Anthem Press, 2019.

Math and Science

Preparing to Teach

  • Cardon, Lauren S. and Cassander L. Smith. “‘What Could I Possibly Say?’ Addressing Racist Dialogue in the Classroom.” The Best of the 2021 Leadership in Higher Education Conference. Magna Publications, 2022.
  • Cardon, Lauren S. Inclusive College Classrooms: Teaching Methods for Diverse Learners. With co-author Dr. Anne-Marie Womack. Forthcoming, 2022. Routledge.
  • Prentice-Dunn, S., Payne, K. L., & Ledbetter, J. M. (2006). Improving teaching through video feedback and consultation. In W. Buskist & S. F. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of the teaching of psychology (pp. 295-300). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Prentice-Dunn, S. (2006). Supervision of new instructors: Promoting a rewarding first experience in teaching. Teaching of Psychology, 33, 45-47.
  • Prentice-Dunn, S., & Pitts, G. S. (2001). The use of videotape feedback in the training of instructors. In S. Meyers & L. Prieto (Eds.), The teaching assistant training handbook: How to prepare TAs for their responsibilities (pp. 89-102). Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.
  • Smith, Cassander and Lauren Cardon. Teaching Interventions (blog).

Social Sciences

  • Crane, C., & Warner, C. (2019). Zwischen Studierenden und Lehrenden: Graduate School als Lehrerausbildung an amerikanischen Universitäten. IDV-Magazin. June 2019, 56-61. https://idvnetz.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/IDV-Magazin95_Juni2019-1.pdf
  • Crane, C. (2015). Exploratory practice in the FL teaching methods course: A case study of three graduate student instructors’ experiences. L2 Journal, 7(2), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.5070/L27224444
  • Crane, C., Sadler, M., Ha, J. A., & Ojiambo, P. (2013). Beyond the methods course: Using exploratory practice for graduate student teacher development. In H. W. Allen & H. Maxim (Eds.). Educating the future foreign language professoriate for the 21st century (pp. 107-127). Boston: Heinle. doi: 10125/69699
  • McElroy, H. K., & Prentice-Dunn, S. (2005). Graduate students’ perceptions of a teaching of psychology course. Teaching of Psychology, 32, 122-124.
  • Prentice-Dunn, S., & Rickard, H. C. (1994). A follow-up note on graduate training in the teaching of introductory psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 21, 111-112.
  • Prentice-Dunn, S. (2007). Graduate student development at the University of Alabama: Systematic training and ample opportunities to teach. In C. Howard, B. Buskist, & J. Stowell (Eds.), Guide to graduate student training in the teaching of psychology. Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
  • Prentice-Dunn, S. (2012). Training University of Alabama graduate students in the teaching of psychology. In M. Beers, J. Hill, C. A. Thompson, & B. Buskist (Eds.), Guide to graduate student training in the teaching of psychology (2nd ed., pp. 97-100). Washington, DC: Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
  • Rickard, H. C., & Prentice-Dunn, S. (1993). A graduate course in teaching of psychology. In L. M. Lambert & S. L. Tice (Eds.), Preparation of graduate students to teach: A guide to programs that improve undergraduate education and develop tomorrow’s faculty (pp. 108-109). Washington, DC: American Association for Higher Education.
  • Rickard, H. C., Prentice-Dunn, S., Rogers, R. W., Scogin, F. R., & Lyman, R. D. (1991). Teaching of Psychology: A required course for doctoral students. Teaching of Psychology, 18, 235-237.


  • Adrian, Lynne. “Trace Evidence: How New Media Can Change What We Know about Student Learning.” Academic Commons, January 2009.
  • Coyle, S. & Loewen, N. “Opening Up the Classroom: Why and How You Might Try a Bit of Virtual Team Teaching!” In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012 (97-101). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2012.
  • Loewen, Nathan. Effective Social Learning: A Collaborative, Globally-Networked Pedagogy. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015.
  • Loewen, Nathan. “Whose Place is This Anyway? Reflecting upon Hospitality and Higher Education.” Teaching Theology & Religion 19.1 (2015): 4-19.
  • Lorenz, A., Crane, C., Benjamin, J., & Boas, H. (2020). L2 German learners’ perceptions and use of an online semantic frame-based dictionary for vocabulary learning. Die Unterrichtspraxis /Teaching German, 53(2), 191-209. https://doi.org/10.1111/tger.12136
  • Newton, Richard. “Third-Screen Teaching: Enhancing Classroom Learning with Mobile Devices,” Teaching Religion Using Technology in Higher Education, ed. John Hilton III (Routledge, 2018), 3-17.
  • Pionke, Albert. “A Pedagogical Experiment in Crowdsourcing and Enumerative Bibliography,” Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 24. 2 (2013): 5-22.
  • Roskos-Ewoldsen, D. R., & Roskos-Ewoldsen, B. (2001). “Using video clips to teach social psychology.” Teaching of Psychology, 28, 212-215.

Writing and Rhetoric

  • Crane, C., & Malloy, M. (2021). The development of temporal-spatial meaning in personal recounts of beginning L2 writers of German. System, 99, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2021.102498
  • Crane, C. (2016). Understanding and evaluating L2 personal letter writing: A systemic functional linguistics analysis of student texts in German. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, 49(2), 122-139. https://doi.org/10.1111/tger.12006
  • Dayton, Amy. Assessing the Teaching of Writing: Twenty-First Century Trends and Technologies. Logan, Utah: U Colorado/Utah State UP, 2015.
  • Kathleen Fisher, Richard Newton, and Kathryn McClymond, “Conversation: Student-Self Authorship and the Goals of Higher Education,”Teaching Theology andReligion 22.2 (April 2019). https://doi.org/10.1111/teth.12482
  • Lightfoot, Douglas. “To Rally for Writing Groups: A Necessity for the Profession.” ADFL Bulletin, vol. 44, no. 2, 2018, pp. 81-89.
  • Lightfoot, Douglas. “Writing Groups License Success.” Profession: In Practice, 2020, profession.mla.org/writing-groups-license-success/.
  • Newton, Richard. “Writing Basically,” in Writing Theologically, edited by Eric D. Barreto (Minneapolis:
    Fortress Press, 2015), 5-20.
  • Niiler, Luke and David Beams. “How Engineering Students Learn to Write: Fourth-Year Findings and Summary of the UT-Tyler Engineering Writing Initiative.” In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education. 2009.
  • Niiler, Luke, David Beams, and Beth Todd. “The Coach: A Web-Based Resource for Improving the Writing Skills of Engineering Students.” In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education. 2013.