Category: Service Learning

Technical Writing Class Serves Local School During COVID

by Donna Branyon, Department of English If asked to define technical writing, one might mention rocket science, brain surgery, computer programing, or biochemical crystallography. However, all occupations and fields of study — not just those associated with science and industry — utilize technical writing. On the first day of English 319 (technical writing) in spring 2020, our class discussed a definition of technical writing that focuses on discipline-specific conventions, language, expectations, formats, and processes. In other words, technical communications vary […]

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Class Provides Music Therapy to Local Community

student playing classical guitar as part of a musical therapy program

by Ellary Draper, School of Music As music therapy faculty, I am fortunate to teach multiple courses that include service learning opportunities. Service learning courses provide music therapy majors with opportunities to apply information from the classroom to clinical settings. These ‘real life experiences’ help students learn if music therapy is truly their desired career path, choose which clinical populations they prefer, and prepares students for their 6-month clinical internship. Service learning experiences are embedded in all four years of […]

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Service-Learning in Medical Anthropology

Dr. Jo Weaver's anthropology students

by Lesley Jo Weaver, Department of Anthropology In the academy, we often bemoan the fragility of millennial college students — this generation whose protective parents insulate them from the risk of failure (for instance, see this 2012 Chronicle of Higher Education article). How, such discourses often ask, do we snap students out of their protective bubbles? Service-learning can challenge students to step outside their comfort zones, put methods into practice, and step up to take an active role in their educational […]

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