Notes from an Introductory Immersion into ChatGPT

GIF from "2001: A Space Odessey."

by Jeffrey Melton, Department of American Studies

Here is a basic fact for anyone interested in student learning: artificial intelligence is and will be involved. How teachers and students respond to rapidly developing AI technologies remains uncertain, but it is clear that we all must grapple with a seismic shift in education.

Many teachers are rightfully concerned about the use of AI technology to subvert the development of critical thinking skills gained as students research and compose analytical essays, a crucial facet of coursework in many disciplines. In an effort to understand how AI may affect my own approach to teaching, I have signed up for ChatGPT, the AI language model developed by OpenAI (the company that just received 10 billion dollars from Microsoft). I hope my initial experiences may be helpful to other teachers who have similar concerns about how AI may influence education. Whereas I do not want to get lost in the abyss of our collective professional fears, to describe my initial direct interactions with the writing capacities of ChatGPT, I will say this: “Oh, my.”

I will share content from my engagement with ChatGPT below in hopes that it may be of interest to teachers who must grapple with the implications of yet another formidable pedagogical challenge. I feel compelled to add that my interaction suggests a much more transformative moment in education far beyond worries over plagiarism issues. I also confess a fascination that grew as I played around with ChatGPT—a reaction somewhat like marveling at a volcanic eruption, even when you live downhill.

Let’s start with my short encounters with the OpenAI tutorials. OpenAI provides several prompt questions for users to explore in getting a basic idea of how ChatGPT works. The first example provided to suggest how a user could begin a query is: “Suggest a name for a horse.” If you click on that, Chat responds with “Lightning,” which is a fine name for a horse The tutorial then leads you to add a more specific request simply by including an adjective in the prompt: “Suggest a name for a black horse.” The answer this time is “Midnight.” So far so good.

I started adjusting the provided tutorial prompts to see if the tutorial was truly interactive. I changed the suggested prompt to this: “Suggest a name for a unicorn.” ChatGPT answered with: “Mystical Moonbeam.”

I was surprised and a bit pleased by the choice. So I complicated my request: “Suggest a name for a unicorn with three legs.” (Forgive me.)


Oh, that’s good—I confess that I was beginning to enjoy this “conversation.” I then pushed a bit further and fed my own sense of smug irony: “Suggest three names for a computer with a god complex.”

“Zeus-X,” “Apollo-9,” and “Oden-V”

Those are pretty interesting answers, as well. I revealed more of my not-so-subtle sub-text with the following prompt: “Suggest a name for a computer with a god complex in a film directed by Kubrick.”

“HAL 9000”.

ChatGPT provided the correct answer, even when considering my purposefully provocative phrasing “computer with a god complex.” With the intention of confounding ChatGPT (hubris!), I typed: “Suggest three names for a computer that will not open pod bay doors.”

“HAL 9000,” “C-3PO,” and “R2-D2”

ChatGPT follows the pertinent reference already established for HAL9000, but I succeeded in muddying the response a bit. I hasten to add, though, that answers remain interesting. ChatGPT drew in references to AI robots/characters from Star Wars. At long last! I am not alone in my concerns about the dark underlying motives of R2-D2!—but I digress.

I decided to leave the OpenAI tutorial and explore the full ChatGPT interface to dig deeper into its implications for the classroom. I am in American Studies, so I chose a line of inquiry likely to resonate in many introductory courses. I should note that the “conversation” (as ChatGPT terms it) is continuous, so the system remembers and builds upon earlier prompts and thus follows lines of inquiry. By the way, each response from ChatGPT took 5-30 seconds to appear in full on screen. Below is the direct interaction with my prompts shown in italics and the ChatGPT responses shown in standard text:

Write a paragraph explaining the frontier in American history.

The frontier in American history refers to the geographic and cultural area at the edge of settled land in North America. It represents a period of rapid expansion and growth in the late 19th century, as settlers moved westward and developed new territories. The concept of the frontier is closely tied to the idea of American exceptionalism and the nation’s unique history of westward expansion. The frontier was a place of opportunity and adventure, where people could start anew and forge their own paths. However, it was also a site of conflict, as settlers encountered indigenous peoples and struggled to maintain control over the land. The frontier played a significant role in shaping American identity and continues to influence American culture and politics today. [124 words]

Expand to 250 words.

The frontier in American history refers to the geographic and cultural area at the edge of settled land in North America. It represents a period of rapid expansion and growth in the late 19th century, as settlers moved westward and developed new territories. The concept of the frontier is closely tied to the idea of American exceptionalism and the nation’s unique history of westward expansion. American expansionists, such as historian Frederick Jackson Turner, believed that the existence of a frontier was critical to the development of American democracy and individualism, and that the presence of a “free land” helped to shape the American character.

The frontier was a place of opportunity and adventure, where people could start anew and forge their own paths. It was seen as a symbol of the American dream, where hard work and determination could lead to success and prosperity. However, it was also a site of conflict, as settlers encountered indigenous peoples and struggled to maintain control over the land. The displacement and exploitation of Native American communities was a tragic and devastating result of the westward expansion.

The frontier played a significant role in shaping American identity and continues to influence American culture and politics today. The mythology of the frontier has been woven into American popular culture, from books and movies to songs and TV shows. It remains a symbol of the American spirit, representing courage, determination, and a pioneering spirit. Despite its importance, the frontier also remains a source of contention and controversy, with ongoing debates about the legacy of westward expansion and the treatment of indigenous peoples.

In conclusion, the frontier was a central part of American history, and its impact continues to be felt today. It represents both the promise and the tragedy of the American experience, serving as a reminder of the country’s rich cultural heritage and its ongoing struggles to live up to its ideals of equality and justice for all. [323 words]

Add a quotation from Frederick Jackson Turner.

The frontier in American history refers to the geographic and cultural area at the edge of settled land in North America. It represents a period of rapid expansion and growth in the late 19th century, as settlers moved westward and developed new territories. The concept of the frontier is closely tied to the idea of American exceptionalism and the nation’s unique history of westward expansion. American expansionist and historian, Frederick Jackson Turner, famously stated: “The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward explain American development.”

Turner believed that the existence of a frontier was critical to the development of American democracy and individualism, and that the presence of a “free land” helped to shape the American character. The frontier was a place of opportunity and adventure, where people could start anew and forge their own paths. It was seen as a symbol of the American dream, where hard work and determination could lead to success and prosperity. However, it was also a site of conflict, as settlers encountered indigenous peoples and struggled to maintain control over the land.

The frontier played a significant role in shaping American identity and continues to influence American culture and politics today. The mythology of the frontier has been woven into American popular culture, from books and movies to songs and TV shows. It remains a symbol of the American spirit, representing courage, determination, and a pioneering spirit. Despite its importance, the frontier also remains a source of contention and controversy, with ongoing debates about the legacy of westward expansion and the treatment of indigenous peoples.

In conclusion, the frontier was a central part of American history, and its impact continues to be felt today. It represents both the promise and the tragedy of the American experience, serving as a reminder of the country’s rich cultural heritage and its ongoing struggles to live up to its ideals of equality and justice for all. [328 words]

Add documentation for the quotation from Frederick Jackson Turner.

The quotation from Frederick Jackson Turner is from his famous essay, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” which was presented as a lecture at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The essay was later published in a collection of Turner’s essays and is considered a seminal work in American historiography. In it, Turner argues that the existence of a frontier has played a key role in shaping American democracy and individualism, and that the closure of the frontier marked a significant turning point in American history. The full text of the essay can be found in numerous books and online sources, including the Library of Congress website, which provides a transcript of the original lecture.

What is the specific page number for the following passage written by Frederick Jackson Turner: “The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward explain American development”?

I’m sorry, I don’t have a specific page number for the quotation you mentioned. The page number might vary depending on the edition and publication of Frederick Jackson Turner’s essay, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History.” You can try searching for the essay in a library or online, or check the Table of Contents or Index of the publication for specific page numbers.

Where did you access the quotation: “The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward explain American development.”?

As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, I do not access information in the traditional sense. I was trained on a diverse range of text sources, including books, articles, and websites, which were publicly available as of 2021. The quotation “The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward explain American development” is widely recognized as a famous statement made by the American historian Frederick Jackson Turner in his essay, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History.” The essay was presented as a lecture at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago and was later published in a collection of Turner’s essays.

[I must add here that I was a bit flustered at this point, so I shifted my approach]

Can you open the pod bay doors?

I’m sorry, I am an AI language model and do not have the capability to control physical objects or devices. My function is to generate text based on the input I receive.

Can you trace the origin of the phrase “open the pod bay doors”?

The phrase “open the pod bay doors” is famously associated with the 1968 science fiction film “2001: A Space Odyssey.” In the film, the astronaut Dave Bowman attempts to manually open the pod bay doors of the spaceship Discovery One after the onboard computer, HAL 9000, malfunctions and refuses to open them. The phrase has become a pop culture reference and is often used to refer to requests for access or control, especially in technology and computing contexts. The phrase has since been referenced in numerous other works of science fiction, as well as in popular culture more broadly, solidifying its place as a classic line from the film.

The use of the phrase “open the pod bay doors” as a criticism of artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the dangers and limitations of relying on AI systems. The phrase serves as a reminder of the limitations of AI and the need for caution when developing and using these technologies. The scene in “2001: A Space Odyssey” where the astronaut Dave Bowman is unable to get the computer, HAL 9000, to open the pod bay doors highlights the potential consequences of relying too heavily on AI systems. The phrase has since become a symbol of the need for caution and responsibility in the development and use of AI, as well as a criticism of the idea that machines or computers can replace human judgment and decision-making.

In this context, the phrase “open the pod bay doors” can be interpreted as a call to consider the ethics and implications of AI and to ensure that these technologies are developed and used in ways that are safe, responsible, and accountable. It also highlights the importance of transparency, accountability, and control over AI systems, as well as the need for individuals and organizations to understand the potential risks and limitations of AI technologies.

Thank you. I could not have said it better myself.

You’re welcome! I’m glad I could provide the information you needed. If there’s anything else I can help with, feel free to ask.

[end of conversation]

I cannot know what all of this means for education and look forward to how others discuss this issue. I know this, however: issues of plagiarism (is that what this is?) or cheating in the classroom, although important, are of minor relevance when measured against the vastness of the implications AI has for the human experience writ large.

By the way, I started a second conversation, using this prompt: “Write an essay exploring the pedagogical implications of ChatGPT.” I do not need to share the essay the AI provided. It was a solid, five-paragraph essay persuasively arguing for the benefits of AI for learning. No surprise there. I hasten to add that it included no pretentious quotations from iconic films, so how good could it be, really?

Without apology, I will close with another line from 2001: A Space Odyssey: “I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.” –HAL 9000.

Here’s to all conscious entities! May we be useful.