Tag: chatGPT

Guidelines for Faculty in Dealing with the Use of Generative AI Tools

A manual typewriter with the words "artificial intelligence" typed in large-sized font on an otherwise blank white page.

Discussions about the uses and misuses of generative artificial intelligence entered the broader public discourse of the United States in November 2022. The University of Alabama offers a considered response to these discussions and the issues they present to the campus community. To learn more about guidelines from the Office of Academic Affairs, please see the Guidelines for Faculty in Dealing with the Use of Generative AI Tools on this site hosted by our Office for Academic Affairs.

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The Rise of ChatGPT Can Make Student Writing Better 

The 5-speed gearshift pattern, which may indicate the metaphor for "shifting gears."

by Amy Dayton and Amber Buck, English On campuses across the US, faculty, administrators, and students alike are talking about ChatGPT. If you haven’t heard, ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that mimics human conversation and writing using predictive text. It can expound on almost any topic, from climate change to literary criticism. It can write emails, sonnets, stories, and brochures. It can suggest revisions to specific sentences and phrases (such as resume bullet points). And it can write academic […]

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Notes from an Introductory Immersion into ChatGPT

by Jeffrey Melton, Department of American Studies Here is a basic fact for anyone interested in student learning: artificial intelligence is and will be involved. How teachers and students respond to rapidly developing AI technologies remains uncertain, but it is clear that we all must grapple with a seismic shift in education. Many teachers are rightfully concerned about the use of AI technology to subvert the development of critical thinking skills gained as students research and compose analytical essays, a […]

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