How to Write Meaningful Link Text

Screen readers can be used to skim a document or website by reading a list of linked text. Links should, therefore, be descriptive enough to make sense out of context. Here’s how that works:

Avoid ambiguous phrases

Try to avoid ambiguous phrases that won’t make much sense in a general list. These include, but aren’t limited to, phrases like

  • Click here
  • Here
  • Read more
  • Info

Tell readers what to expect

Ideally, link text should use enough descriptive keywords to convey the purpose of a link. People should be able to tell where a link will take them and whether it will prompt them to download a file (this is especially important for files that automatically download). Here are some examples of useful link text:

  • Vague: Learn more about our undergraduate programs here and here.
    Better: Learn more about our undergraduate majors and minors.
  • Vague: Click here to read our advising schedule.
    Better: Our advising schedule is now available online.
  • Vague: Accessibility workshop (register)
    Better: Register for our accessibility workshop or Register for our accessibility workshop.

Make links noticeable

Links should stand out from the surrounding text, appearing underlined or in a significantly lighter or darker color than the main text. This helps users with a wide range of vision problems — including colorblindness and middle-aged presbyopia —  identify links more easily. You won’t always have control over text colors and formatting on your websites and course pages, but when you do, be sure your links stand out.

strings of code

This resource is part of the Teaching Hub’s Accessibility Guide. For detailed information about accessibility at UA, visit