Tag: Twitter

Podcasting by Design

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies Podcasts are cool. Podcasts are the new Twitter. By that, I mean podcasts may be one of the “next things” in higher education. They are a great way to invite people into discovery through conversation. Both the Twitter-sphere and the world of podcasts are resplendent with people wanting to share their critiques and ideas, and both are great mediums for creating and extending academic conversations in ways that disseminate to a variety of publics. […]

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Apps for Better Class Participation

iphone apps

by John Miller, New College My father was a gadget man. He loved a new doo-dad. Even something called a “heat bar,” an aluminum hunk you plugged into a wall socket, whereupon it would (wait for it . . .) get hot. He bought a truck-load he was going to sell to keep Alabamian’s pipes from freezing. That – well — I’m not exactly saying he hid them at my grandmother’s house but… All this to say, I grew up […]

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Pros and Cons of Teaching with Twitter

Twitter logo

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) Twitter is a good tool for promoting student participation, but like any social platform, it has its benefits and limitations. This post aims to help you decide whether Twitter is the right social technology for your course. Pros Asynchronous: Twitter allows students to interact with the learning community whenever and wherever they choose. Extends class discussion: The additional layer of communication may make for richer class discussions. Twitter allows students to communicate with each […]

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