Tag: strategy swap

Creating Personal, Interactive Online Courses

colored light

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) A few weeks ago, I participated in a strategy swap at the Teaching Professor Technology Conference about engagement in online courses. Everyone agreed engagement is critical to online learning, yet we couldn’t decide how to facilitate connection and interaction beyond the usual tactics — video,  discussion boards, group projects, etc. With this question in mind, I attended another session on student engagement that offered a few practical solutions. Our speakers, both of […]

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How Padlet Can Help with Group Projects

by Lauren Cardon, Department of English During the Teaching Professor Technology Conference in Atlanta, I was a facilitator for a Strategy Swap session on group work. I met with two different groups of people for thirty minutes each, and we shared our strategies. Most of our discussion focused on group work in the classroom — that is, breaking students up into small groups to let them practice strategies we’re teaching them. However, in one of the groups, our conversation focused […]

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