Tag: quizzes

Reflecting on Repetition for Student Success in Teaching and Learning

various nearly identical plant leaves

by Deborah Keene, Blount Scholars Program Thanks to Dean Olin, and the College of Arts and Sciences, I was able to attend the Teaching Professor Conference for the first time. There were a wide variety of sessions, but I found myself drawn to the sessions about metacognition: How to Develop Self-Directed Learners, Maria Flores-Harris Classroom Cognition: Using Educational Neuroscience to Enhance College-Level Learning, Angela Zanardelli Sickler Reaching the Struggling Writer: Effective Feedback Strategies, Cristie McClendon, PhD; Jodee Jacobs, EdD; Hazel […]

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A New Twist on the Multiple Choice Quiz

a multiple choice test

by James Mixson, Department of History Ah, the multiple-choice quiz. An old stand-by for some instructors who love them not least because it can make grading so easy. For others, especially those in more narrative-intense disciplines like mine (history), they are problematic: names and dates and other “data” are only the beginning. What matters is what it all means, and that is best assessed through long-form writing. Students love multiple choice quizzes and hate them, too. Some like that they […]

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Do You Kahoot?


by Michael J. Altman, Department of Religious Studies Games are fun. Quizzes are not. But games can make quizzes more fun. That’s what I have learned by experimenting with the Kahoot, an interactive learning game, in my REL 130: Religion, Politics, and Law course. I discovered Kahoot during the Teaching Professor Technology Conference a few weeks ago. It is an online game that students can play with whatever device they have handy in class. The instructor builds a Kahoot by […]

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