Tag: Padlet

Tech Toolbox: Polling, Collaboration, and More

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) This list includes the digital tools available at The University of Alabama, plus a few free or low-cost options from around the web. Annotation Hypothes.is is a free annotation tool that allows you to comment on any blog, website, article, or document. You simply create an account and install the Chrome add-on (or another browser bookmark), and you’re ready to annotate. You can create private groups for your classes and have them annotate […]

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How Padlet Can Help with Group Projects

by Lauren Cardon, Department of English During the Teaching Professor Technology Conference in Atlanta, I was a facilitator for a Strategy Swap session on group work. I met with two different groups of people for thirty minutes each, and we shared our strategies. Most of our discussion focused on group work in the classroom — that is, breaking students up into small groups to let them practice strategies we’re teaching them. However, in one of the groups, our conversation focused […]

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