Tag: multimedia

Writing Across Media: A Hands-On Exploration of New Literacies

Cartoon created by a student in EN 313

by Donna Branyon, Department of English In English 313: Writing Across Media (WAM) fall 2018, we examined modes of communicating, identified the conventions of media, and created several multimedia presentations. We looked at new media theories, including topics such as process, authorship, affect, design, and multimodality. Additionally, we spent a great deal of time exploring the intersections between various media: print, film, images, sound, social media, and web design. We considered the ways writing (and communicating in general) is shaped […]

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Video Content: What’s on the Menu at UA?

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) If you’re searching for video streaming services, Gorgas Library offers a range of video collections you can use in your courses, and most of them allow you to embed clips directly in Blackboard. There are even options for creating video clips and playlists if you need more control. Criterion Collection Criterion Collection offers a variety of historical films, with the ability to create clips, insert bookmarks, and embed them in a website […]

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Tech Toolbox: Polling, Collaboration, and More

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) This list includes the digital tools available at The University of Alabama, plus a few free or low-cost options from around the web. Annotation Hypothes.is is a free annotation tool that allows you to comment on any blog, website, article, or document. You simply create an account and install the Chrome add-on (or another browser bookmark), and you’re ready to annotate. You can create private groups for your classes and have them annotate […]

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Pecha Kucha A Perfect Complement to Writing Courses

by Jessica Fordham Kidd, Department of English My favorite presentation from The Teaching Professor Technology Conference 2016 was Dr. Gloria Niles’s presentation “Pecha Kucha: Multimedia Alternative to Term Papers for Digitial Natives.” Prior to this session, I was familiar with the term Pecha Kucha, but I had never given much thought to how it might be any better than a standard presentation with a time limit. The Pecha Kucha presentation consists of 20 slides that are given 20 seconds each. […]

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Pecha Kucha or the Art of Live Research Narratives

20 slides, 20 seconds per slide

by Marie-Eve Monette, Department of Modern Languages and Classics It is the beginning of class, and two students are getting ready to give their presentation. I know that they will probably talk for the 12-15 minute assigned time, some referring to their notes, others more at ease with speaking spontaneously. One slide after the other though, they will talk at the class, blurting out rehearsed information until the conclusion. All the while I think, there has to be a way […]

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