Tag: kahoot

Do You Kahoot?


by Michael J. Altman, Department of Religious Studies Games are fun. Quizzes are not. But games can make quizzes more fun. That’s what I have learned by experimenting with the Kahoot, an interactive learning game, in my REL 130: Religion, Politics, and Law course. I discovered Kahoot during the Teaching Professor Technology Conference a few weeks ago. It is an online game that students can play with whatever device they have handy in class. The instructor builds a Kahoot by […]

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Apps for Better Class Participation

iphone apps

by John Miller, New College My father was a gadget man. He loved a new doo-dad. Even something called a “heat bar,” an aluminum hunk you plugged into a wall socket, whereupon it would (wait for it . . .) get hot. He bought a truck-load he was going to sell to keep Alabamian’s pipes from freezing. That – well — I’m not exactly saying he hid them at my grandmother’s house but… All this to say, I grew up […]

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