Tag: generative AI

Carry on Teaching with UA’s Artificial Intelligence Teaching Enhancement Initiative

A mug with the saying "Keep calm and carry on teaching."

How might your teaching be amplified by generative artificial intelligence? Katherine Chiou (Anthropology) and Lawrence Cappello (History) lead the Artificial Intelligence Teaching Enhancement Initiative, which answers this question. The initiative provides ready-to-use AI resources to be used to augment your teaching and assignments. Professors Capello and Chiou are curating an array of resources on the ethical, responsible, and inclusive use of AI in the classroom, too. Their aim is to harness AI to stimulate student engagement, and to better prepare […]

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Guidelines for Faculty in Dealing with the Use of Generative AI Tools

A manual typewriter with the words "artificial intelligence" typed in large-sized font on an otherwise blank white page.

Discussions about the uses and misuses of generative artificial intelligence entered the broader public discourse of the United States in November 2022. The University of Alabama offers a considered response to these discussions and the issues they present to the campus community. To learn more about guidelines from the Office of Academic Affairs, please see the Guidelines for Faculty in Dealing with the Use of Generative AI Tools on this site hosted by our Office for Academic Affairs.

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