Tag: feedback

Reflecting on Repetition for Student Success in Teaching and Learning

various nearly identical plant leaves

by Deborah Keene, Blount Scholars Program Thanks to Dean Olin, and the College of Arts and Sciences, I was able to attend the Teaching Professor Conference for the first time. There were a wide variety of sessions, but I found myself drawn to the sessions about metacognition: How to Develop Self-Directed Learners, Maria Flores-Harris Classroom Cognition: Using Educational Neuroscience to Enhance College-Level Learning, Angela Zanardelli Sickler Reaching the Struggling Writer: Effective Feedback Strategies, Cristie McClendon, PhD; Jodee Jacobs, EdD; Hazel […]

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Power-Using and Hacking Blackboard

Teaching Hub

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies Do you use Blackboard in your course? I do. Here’s why: I think it’s easier for me, as well as the students, to have a simple, one-stop place to find and do everything related to a course outside of class. Now beginning my second year of teaching at UA, I find my commitment to grasping the basic features of Blackboard has made my teaching much more manageable. Furthermore, as faculty technology liaison for the College of Arts and Sciences, […]

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This Professor Likes CATs (classroom assessment techniques)

Spock does mind meld on Nixon

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies I am going to write about measuring teaching effectiveness. There is a lot of buzz about metrics in higher education media, but not until the mind-meld app is released for iOS will teachers know what their students are thinking. One of the challenges of teaching a large-enrollment course is to regularly determine the level of students’ learning. In a recent article on crafting introductory courses, Russell McCutcheon names this “the double-edged sword of engagement and assessment.“ Teachers […]

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Students’ Opinions Instruction are In! Now What?

Computer, headphones, and coffee mug on a desk

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies Sometimes there is a considerable difference between a professor’s evaluation of a course and those of the students. The divergence can work in either direction. Perhaps a “terrible” experience for the professor was “absolutely brilliant” for the students. Let’s be honest, however: the opposite situation is difficult news. What are the next steps when a professor thinks a course went “just fine” and the students clearly did not? The situation is not rare, based on […]

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Investing in Your Online Courses

Chase Wrenn, a professor in the philosophy department, teaches an online Intro to Deductive Logic course centered on building skills in formal reasoning. He offers the following advice on managing self-paced, asynchronous online courses. What tips do you have for providing effective feedback online? Be prompt and detailed. As an online instructor, there is a lot of asynchronous communication with the students, so it’s important to give students very detailed feedback and err on the side of more, rather than less, detailed feedback. You also […]

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Providing Feedback in Large Courses

Students in large lecture

In a large course with limited TA assistance, it may seem impossible to offer students meaningful feedback on their progress. In this post, faculty members describe how they use office hours, technology, and TAs to provide appropriate feedback in their large courses. Office Hours Kim Caldwell: Some students come to my office truly wanting to learn how to learn, and we have great conversations about their current learning styles and look at what types of questions they are missing (basic knowledge vs. application). We also talk about study […]

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Feedback in Online Courses

Dr. Williams helping a student with an assignment

by Alecia Chatham, Department of Modern Languages and Classics Personalized feedback is the best feedback a student can receive. It is the closest to one-on-one teaching possible online short of using Skype! Feedback should always be given either way, personalized or generic. And, if it is generic (i.e., not tailored to an individual student),  it should still be specific. Positive feedback for a excellent job should be mostly generic with occasional personalizations to help the student keep momentum. Feedback that […]

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