Tag: COVID-19

Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Workforce: An Adobe Creative Campus Collaboration Recap

infographic sketch of Bennett and Loewen's presentation

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies Meagan Bennett and Nathan Loewen presented remotely to the Adobe Creative Campus Collaboration event. They discussed some aspects of how UA approaches the extraordinary conditions of 2020-2021. If you scroll down a few paragraphs, you will see what Sebastian Distefano took away from our presentation, he wrote, “Knowing the importance of a creative and digitally literate workforce, leaders from the University of Alabama (UA) explored how they are preparing students for our changing […]

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Creating Learning Communities with WordPress, Slack, and Adobe Creative Cloud

Carnations of various colors

Presented by Nathan Loewen at the 2021 Adobe for Education’s Creative Campus Collaboration on April 14, 2021. Two Perspectives I wish to talk about specific methods I and my colleagues adopted for pre-, inter and post-pandemic teaching.* I come at this with two perspectives: Teaching – As a freshly-tenured professor of religious studies at a public, R1 university (University of Alabama). My current research coordinates and publishes research with the Global-Critical Philosophy of Religion project. Administration – As the faculty technology […]

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Technical Writing Class Serves Local School During COVID

by Donna Branyon, Department of English If asked to define technical writing, one might mention rocket science, brain surgery, computer programing, or biochemical crystallography. However, all occupations and fields of study — not just those associated with science and industry — utilize technical writing. On the first day of English 319 (technical writing) in spring 2020, our class discussed a definition of technical writing that focuses on discipline-specific conventions, language, expectations, formats, and processes. In other words, technical communications vary […]

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Last Week’s Teaching in 2020 – Episode 6

professor's home office teaching amid their children

Faculty and staff are being asked to do so much in Fall 2020, but the circumstances of the doing aren’t visible. That is just as true for students this fall. We can pause to think of our colleagues and our students — the ones who’ve excelled despite everything, the ones who seem like they’re holding it together but are really struggling, the procrastinators who’ve been caught flat-footed, and the ones who are just so overwhelmed by all of it. The […]

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Messaging with Slack Improves Class Communication

seated people in a large movie theatre

by Lauren Horn Griffin, Department of Religious Studies I’ve been using Slack, a communication and collaboration tool, with the students in my Fall 2020 course REL310, “REL Goes to the Movies.” The app has given me more insight into student understanding and progress (those formative moments) than the live discussions where only some participate. Due to COVID-19, we are not watching the movies in the same room together. How were we going to watch and discuss movies remotely? I still […]

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