Tag: classroom technology

Insights From Around the Nation—in Alabama’s Teaching Theatre Course

students dancing

by Alex Ates, Department of Theatre and Dance As I exasperatingly jogged between terminals to catch the connecting flight from Boston, Massachusetts to Birmingham, Alabama, I couldn’t help but reel with delight by how wildly this semester was functioning. One day, I would be working with undergraduates in Boston, the next, in Tuscaloosa. As flexible educators learn, there is creativity in contradiction and a curious fuel released through academic mania. Jetting back and forth between The University of Alabama where […]

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Put Your Teaching on a Swivel

Swivl camera

by Kimberly A. Blitch, College of Human Environmental Sciences Our department (Human Development and Family Studies) is using SWIVL robot cameras in the 10 classrooms of The Children’s Program (TCP serves children from birth to age five). This technology supports our students — teacher candidates — in conducting video observations of their teaching and interactions with children. Here is an example of how an instructor at Grand Valley State University uses Swivl for classroom observations:   This is instrumental as […]

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Digital Tools, Foreign Lands, and Flying Machines*

traveler in a foreign country

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies How would you prepare to visit a foreign country where English is not the primary language? How would you prepare to take along children? How do your ideas about preparing to travel compare to how you prepare to use digital tools? Does the analogy extend to how you prepare others to use digital tools? You may have gotten the point, but, I will try using another set of examples. How do you learn […]

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8 Reasons Why Your LMS is Awesome for Teaching and Learning (Yes, Eight)

Cat looking up

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies This week, I learned about digital literacies.* My workshop leader was Jade Davis, the Manager of Digital Projects at Columbia University Library. Right at the beginning of the workshop, she stated why she loves the LMS. I have previously expressed skepticism about the LMS. Dr. Davis helped crystallize how my opinion of the LMS has begun to change. Here is why: Among all the digital platforms available, LMS providers are the ones most likely to […]

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Texthelp Technology Solutions for Reading, Writing, Language Learning, and Math

TextHelp logo

by Melissa Green, Emerging Technology and Accessibility The Faculty Technology Showcase is a great place to learn how faculty are using technology to enhance learning, conduct research, and increase professional productivity. This year’s Showcase also marks the launch of the Texthelp tools now freely available to UA students, faculty, staff, and departments. Texthelp offers a collection of Mac and PC desktop software, Google Chrome apps and extensions, and iOS and Android apps that support reading, writing, language learning, and STEM […]

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Tech Toolbox: Polling, Collaboration, and More

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) This list includes the digital tools available at The University of Alabama, plus a few free or low-cost options from around the web. Annotation Hypothes.is is a free annotation tool that allows you to comment on any blog, website, article, or document. You simply create an account and install the Chrome add-on (or another browser bookmark), and you’re ready to annotate. You can create private groups for your classes and have them annotate […]

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Interactive Map Brings Art History to Life

ARTmap homepage showing map and modules

Hoping to make her online course match the in-class experience, Jenny Tucker teamed up with the Alabama Digital Humanities Center and Katy Allen of the College of Continuing Studies to build an interactive map for her Survey of Art course. ARTmap, as it’s officially called, combines a multilayered Google map with multimedia and discussion elements to create a richer online learning experience. Students can now explore the evolution of art across time and space as they travel through each module. In this interview, Jenny and Katy talk about […]

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Let’s Get Digital, Digital (Humanities)! Part One

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies The Alabama Digital Humanities Center (ADHC) opened in 2010. At the beginning of my second year at UA, I just now discovered the ADHC and its amazing home in Gorgas Library Room 109A . I arranged for a consultation with Emma Wilson yesterday. We enjoyed a vibrant discussion about how my teaching might deploy a digital humanities project. I really appreciated the upshot of our time together: pedagogy and learning objectives should inform whatever digital […]

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Power-Using and Hacking Blackboard

Teaching Hub

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies Do you use Blackboard in your course? I do. Here’s why: I think it’s easier for me, as well as the students, to have a simple, one-stop place to find and do everything related to a course outside of class. Now beginning my second year of teaching at UA, I find my commitment to grasping the basic features of Blackboard has made my teaching much more manageable. Furthermore, as faculty technology liaison for the College of Arts and Sciences, […]

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