Tag: accessibility

How to Format a Heading

laptop under colored lights

According to WebAIM’s screen reader survey, most screen reader users prefer to navigate web pages and documents by headings, meaning it’s important to style them correctly. Although bolded, all-caps text can mimic a heading, it doesn’t include the markup necessary for screen readers to recognize it as such. The same is true for colored and italicized text. Headings should instead follow a logical semantic structure as if you’re constructing an outline: <H1> Main heading – usually reserved for page titles […]

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How to Handle Maps, Charts, and Weird Characters

Because much of the content in STEM disciplines is conveyed via complex visuals — charts, handwritten equations, maps, etc. — making those materials accessible may seem like an impossible feat. However, with a little creativity, we can still offer students an equivalent experience using resources already available at UA. Rachel Thompson, director of emerging technology and accessibility, explains: Our accessibility initiative is currently focused on content that is on public websites or is accessed by all UA students. Content like […]

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