Blackboard Pro-Tip: Tweaking Your Course Shell

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies

The College of Continuing Studies likely houses the most people at UA with a total mastery of Blackboard Learn. If you use Blackboard and want to quickly learn how to optimize it for your teaching, then the folks at CCS may well have the answers you are looking for on their Information for CCS Online Instructors page. Likewise, the home page for the Online Course Technical Support site has a slew of resources for students, too! Feel free to peruse the page with this link. Each topic has descriptions and pictures of what you might see and do, such as

  • Updating your course
  • Manipulating your Grade Center
  • Editing assignments and their options
  • Editing assessments and their options
  • Deploying, editing and grading discussions
  • Creating rubrics and associating them with an item

Each page on the site has a series of knowledge books created by Josh Michael and Jeremy Bryan. Boyd Drewelow, Assistant Director for the CCS Instructional Design Team, shared the link with me for distribution to the entire UA community.

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