Tag: teaching writing

Faculty Spotlight: Jessica Kidd

Jessica Kidd

What are your favorite teaching strategies?  My favorite teaching strategies are getting students to make something and then getting them to reflect on that process of making. When I teach freshman composition courses, I want students to write essays and then think back to how/why they made the choices they did to create those essays. After students have written an essay, I might give them a follow-up reflection assignment that asks them to identify two or three key choices they made to appeal to the essay’s audience. In response, students […]

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Turnitin is a Process Writing Tool, Not a Panacea

stack of books

by Jessica Kidd, Department of English On September 7, The Chronicle of Higher Education published the article “Could Professors’ Dependence on Turnitin Lead to More Plagiarism?” On September 9, Inside Higher Ed published “Plagiarism Betrayal?” a more in-depth look at the same subject: Turnitin’s role in the fight against plagiarism. At first glance, these are troubling articles. “Plagiarism Betrayal?” is full of bellicose diction; The Chronicle’s piece uses a shoplifting metaphor. They both grapple with whether or not Turnitin’s parent […]

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