Tag: student writing

Teaching Citations as Part of the Writing Process: Student Voices

Woman relaxing in sunshine

by Lauren Fleming, Undergraduate English Major Why do students violate University academic integrity policies? As an English major, I began to wonder about the root of this campus-wide issue. I am often subject to the woes of my non-English-major-but-still-have-writing-assignments peers and have noticed one common denominator: interactions with quotations and citations. Often, a conversation might go like this: Friend: My professor gave me my assignment back and said the citations were wrong, but I am allowed fix them and give […]

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Plagiarism-Proof Assignment?

reflection of sunset in glass photography ball

by Karen Hollingsworth Gardiner, Academic Integrity Initatives It’s a catchy “click-bait” title: “Plagiarism-proof Assignments.” Unfortunately, it’s also a myth. There’s no such thing. If students intend to plagiarize, they will typically find a way, despite our best efforts. The good news is that most students don’t intend to plagiarize, and there are things we can do to help students avoid the plagiarism urge. (See Tips on Assignment Writing for many practical suggestions for developing plagiarism-aware assignments). In addition to these suggestions, […]

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A Taste of the Tide: Digital Humanities + Experiential Learning

internal page on Taste of the Tide blog featuring different recipes

by Lauren Cardon, Department of English Incorporating a digital humanities (DH) assignment and emphasizing experiential learning are two of the best ways to implement active learning techniques in the classroom. Fortunately, UA provides an excellent range of pedagogical resources on campus like the Alabama Digital Humanities Center (ADHC), Learning in Action (LIA), and the Active Learning Initiative (ALI). Faculty and staff within these programs offer workshops to promote their initiatives among different departments; however, several of them (Emma Wilson, Tyler […]

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