Tag: student privacy

Accessibility and Library Instruction

Gorgas library

by Sara Maurice Whitver, University Libraries Anyone who teaches knows that disability is present in our classrooms. As you get to know your students throughout the semester, you collectively work on learning strategies and develop a relationship that supports a productive classroom environment that helps your students achieve their learning goals. This relationship building is critical to understanding the learning needs of your students and helps you gain insight into the possible alternative ways of achieving the learning that is […]

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Reflections on Inclusion and Equity in Digitally Mediated Learning Spaces

by Heather Pleasants, Office of Institutional Effectiveness After returning from the Digital Pedagogy Lab Summer Institute (DPL)*, writing a post about “Assessing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Digital Classrooms” seemed to make sense. However, I encountered a few challenges right away: Challenge #1: Who wants to read a blog post that starts with “assessing?”  (…crickets) Challenge #2: How exactly does one “assess diversity?” (Crap. That doesn’t really make sense, does it? …Don’t answer that). Challenge #3: Given our current social and […]

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Student Privacy: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Marshmello walking down the side of the road with camera on the top of the building

What is privacy? What is security? How do you establish the difference between the two? Popular conceptions of these terms may shift due to a variety of factors. The people who create and sell technologies have a vested interest in shifting our conceptions of privacy. In response to these corporate interests, the public interest of the European Union in data protection has created the General Data Protection Regulation. You may have noticed its effect in 2018, which includes the right […]

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