Tag: muddiest point

This Professor Likes CATs (classroom assessment techniques)

Spock does mind meld on Nixon

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies I am going to write about measuring teaching effectiveness. There is a lot of buzz about metrics in higher education media, but not until the mind-meld app is released for iOS will teachers know what their students are thinking. One of the challenges of teaching a large-enrollment course is to regularly determine the level of students’ learning. In a recent article on crafting introductory courses, Russell McCutcheon names this “the double-edged sword of engagement and assessment.“ Teachers […]

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Pros and Cons of Teaching with Twitter

Twitter logo

by Jessica Porter, Office of Educational Technology (eTech) Twitter is a good tool for promoting student participation, but like any social platform, it has its benefits and limitations. This post aims to help you decide whether Twitter is the right social technology for your course. Pros Asynchronous: Twitter allows students to interact with the learning community whenever and wherever they choose. Extends class discussion: The additional layer of communication may make for richer class discussions. Twitter allows students to communicate with each […]

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Tegrity and the Muddiest Point

The “muddiest point” is an assessment technique used to gauge student understanding of material presented in class or in assigned readings. Ann Carlson of Western Washington University’s Teaching and Learning Center has a great explanation of how this technique can be used. At the end of class, ask your students to write down on a piece of paper or an index card what they may not have understood from the day’s class — what points are still not clear. Make sure that students […]

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