Tag: digital fluency

Digital Fluency: It’s More Than Just the Tools

table covered with hundreds of simple hand tools

by James Hardin, College of Education As someone who teaches others how to appropriately enhance instructional practices through the integration of technology, I am constantly on the lookout for tech-related experiences that will help improve my craft. When asked if I was interested in joining a group of fellow educators from UA in attending the Digital Pedagogy Lab (DPL) summer institute earlier this year, I was excited. Attending DPL appeared to be a great opportunity to gather with a diverse […]

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Digital Tools, Foreign Lands, and Flying Machines*

traveler in a foreign country

by Nathan Loewen, Department of Religious Studies How would you prepare to visit a foreign country where English is not the primary language? How would you prepare to take along children? How do your ideas about preparing to travel compare to how you prepare to use digital tools? Does the analogy extend to how you prepare others to use digital tools? You may have gotten the point, but, I will try using another set of examples. How do you learn […]

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Searching for Tributaries of Digital Fluency

high-altitude image of an estuary

Digital fluency is a 2018 buzzword among those who likely also said words like disruption, MOOC, future, digital natives, etc. etc. You know. The “glaze or blaze” words of higher education. Thanks to a workshop with Lee Skallerup-Bessette, I learned to rethink “digital fluency” with the familiar metaphor of the tributary.

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