Tag: Department of Mathematics

Diversity and Inclusion in Math Courses

by David Cruz-Uribe, Department of Mathematics Diversity and inclusion really have nothing to do with the subject of mathematics, per se. Mathematics is among the most abstract and universal of human disciplines. Pure mathematicians work hard to strip their subject of anything contingent, anything to close to the “real world.” Attempts to decolonize mathematics, or to construct a feminist algebra [1] notwithstanding, pure mathematics is remarkably free of cultural influences. This does not, however, let math instructors, or those who teach […]

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Mentoring Graduate Teaching Assistants

As the supervising faculty member, you have the opportunity to shape your graduate teaching assistants’ development as educators, as well as how they support your role as the professor. We asked several faculty members how they guide GTAs in managing the classroom, interacting with students, and otherwise balancing the pressures of teaching. Here’s what they had to say. Offer Guidance “My GTAs attend every lecture, and we meet as a group once a week to discuss course issues, assignments, and to problem-solve […]

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Active Learning in Large Math Courses

Students in a math class

by Brendan Ames, Department of Mathematics I try to involve my students in my lectures as much as possible. When “discovering” a new formula or method in class, I will usually begin by leading my students in a brief brainstorming session. This is typically in the form of a very informal call and response, where I ask leading questions, such as “What tools do we have to tackle this problem?,” “Why won’t [method we already know] work in this situation?,” or […]

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