CFP: UA System Scholars Institute

UA System Scholars InstituteThe University of Alabama System invites you to submit a proposal to present at the 2019 UA System Scholars Institute, May 13 – 14, 2019 at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. We seek individual and group proposals for lecture, panel, hands-on, poster, and roundtable sessions related to the institute’s theme, The Future is Now: Building a Culture of Innovation through Technology for a New Generation.

The Scholars Institute fosters a shared community of knowledge among members of the three UA System campuses.  It brings faculty, staff, and students together to discuss and discover best practices and new ideas for the roles of technology in our administration, teaching, learning, and research processes.

The planning committee is particularly interested in

  • Best practices and promising practices for using new or existing technologies in teaching, research, or service
  • Outcomes or the current state of projects and technologies discussed at previous Scholars Institutes
  • Collaborations that cross disciplinary and institutional boundaries
  • Research initiatives related to teaching and learning with technology
  • Pedagogical and practical approaches to technology use in administration, teaching, research, or service

Please have the following when submitting a proposal:

  • Proposal type (lecture, panel, hands-on, poster, roundtable)
    • Lecture/presentation – One or more presenters deliver a traditional lecture in these “listen and learn”-style sessions.
    • Panel – Panel sessions bring together two to four presenters to discuss perspectives on technology in administration, teaching, research, and service.
    • Hands-on/Workshop -Participants in hands-on sessions explore new resources and develop their skills through hands-on activities using their own devices.
    • Round table – Roundtables are small, informal group discussions that give attendees the opportunity to exchange information, discuss best practices, and network with others around topics of common interest.
    • Poster – Digital or paper poster sessions provide an opportunity for informal, interactive presentations.
  • Suggested audience (beginner, intermediate, advanced, all levels)
  • Proposal title
  • Summary for agenda (100 words maximum)
  • Abstract (300-500 words)
  • Key points –3 points/objectives the audience will take away from the session
  • Presenter(s) information (including biography, 100 words maximum) – four presenters maximum
  • References if applicable

 Proposals must be submitted by 5 p.m. CST on February 28, 2019. Presenters will receive notification of their proposal status no later than March 28, 2019.

For more information, or if you have questions please contact Melissa Berry at or 256.824.4762.  You may also visit the conference website at