Teaching Hub

Clicker & Mobile Response Software Updates

The Turning Technologies Company required our clicker-mobile polling software be updated beginning Summer I, Summer II, and full Summer classes. The FRC updated the clicker software this summer, and the following changes were made:

  • IT staff will download the new TurningPoint 8 software onto classroom computers.
  • Instructors need to download the new TurningPoint 8 software onto office and/or personal computers used to create content and import responses.
  • Instructors need to create a Turning Technologies account at https://instructor.turningtechnologies.com.
  • All students will now need a TurningPoint account and account license.
  • Students who have previously enrolled a clicker in Blackboard as of Spring 2017 were grandfathered in, with Turning Technologies creating their accounts and attaching a 3-year license to each account.
  • Students new to clickers will be able to purchase the necessary materials at the SupeStore. Their account will be created by going to the clicker registration link in your course and following the account creation prompts.

More Information

To learn more about the updated TurningPoint 8 software, visit the FRC’s clicker information page or register for a workshop.

There will be a special Lunch and Learn session on Wednesday, August 30, from 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. You can also schedule an individual or small group/department session to learn about the update.

Please contact the FRC at frc@ua.edu or (205) 348-3532 for additional information about the update.